Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thinking Positive

Anybody who knows me, knows that I am obsessed with getting married. Maybe it's my love for Julia Roberts' Runaway Bride and My Best Friend's Wedding but I have planned my wedding since I was in 4th year highschool.

Which is ironic since I proclaim myself as not the type to get gushy with all the chummy romantic stuff couples do.

I've been with my boyfriend, Lawrence, since I was in first year college. I am very jealous and untrusting girlfriend. And for him to still be with me for more than four years makes me dream of weddings.

It also makes me an irritating nag.

See, since I am obsessed with making my wedding perfect, I have been bugging Lawrence to propose. Yes, I am bugging him to PROPOSE. See how irritating I've been? Every conversation has been about, when are we getting married? When will you propose? How come you don't talk about weddings with me? It goes on and on.

Yesterday was no different. I was nagging all the way back home. Thing is, I finally saw Lawrence's reaction to that. And I felt that he was slipping away from me.

So, today I will look positively into the future. I will keep my obsession tucked away in my mind until the right time comes--which is our actually wedding. I should find other things to occupy my mind. Which is why I'm making a list.

Things I need to do before I get married

1. Get drunk at a party with friends.
2. Climb more mountains.
3. Finish reading One Hundred Years of Solitude (seriously).
4. Go to a strip club.
5. Vacation in Palawan and Bohol.
6. Return to Bangkok, Thailand.
7. Compose a song.
8. Start my scrapbook (I have been putting this on my lists since time in memorial, I have never done it. >.<)
9. Sing karaoke in front of many people without worrying about shame.
10. Lose weight (I have to look good in my dress right?).
11. Master the art of cooking (Kare-kare, Dinuguan, Embotido).

That's all for now. I'm guessing I'll have more than three years until I get married, so if any of you have any suggestions, please comment. I would be taking it into consideration.

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